Killing the homeless cats in Australia is wrong

Australia declares ‘war’ on cats, plans to kill 2 million by 2020.

Killing the cats is wrong approach. I empathize with the situation and if I have learned anything you can not eradicate a species to save another. You'd be better served implementing TNR programs for the ferals and the "domestics." Statistically TNR has proven to be a way better way to curb over population problems. You should also get with your citizens and require spay and neuter of ANY AND ALL SHELTER PETS, discourage breeding of "purebred" cats, dogs etc. I have indoor/outdoor cats and they sit right under my bird feeder and 9 out of 10 times bring me a rodent, not a bird. I understand your native rodents/marcupial/and other critter populations are likely good cat food, but to go to war with a mammal/predator, because the human population failed to think, act, etc, is a poor reason to do so. It is humans that are the problem not cats. A cat can have upwards of 3 litters a year, that is on the high side 24 additional cats. Murdering innocent cats isn't going to solve the problem. TNR!!!


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